Web Development with (Cloud) ABAP

Written on January 23, 2021

Using Cloud ABAP, we will create an HTTP service, and use it to serve dynamically, server-side rendered HTML. I.e., we will be doing web development in ABAP. Our use of ABAP will be quite similar to, for example, using Flask in Python. Of course, however, we don’t actually have a framework to use, so we will have to do some things – like the template rendering – ourselves. This tutorial includes every step of the process, from creating the HTTP service, to using the web app. To do this, I will use the demo use-case of a movie database.

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Consuming REST APIs with (Cloud) ABAP

Written on October 27, 2020

API stands for Application Programming Interface, and comprises a set of standards that allow two applications to talk to each other. REST APIs are a certain pattern of building APIs. They are based on the HTTP protocol, sending and receiving JSON or XML data through URIs (uniform resource identifier). JSON-based REST APIs are prevalent. We will also be using such one in this tutorial.

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'It is an amazing time to be studying Computer Science - it's kinda like studying Maths in Ancient Greece'

Written on May 27, 2020

The post title is a quote by Chris Piech - a Stanford professor. It was something said by him in an introductory Zoom meeting for the section leaders of Stanford's CS106A - Code in Place online course. I was very lucky to be one of those. So, what Chris meant was that, for example, Pythagoras created something that serves as a basis to build upon centuries later and students are still learning it today. This is the current state of Computer Science - people will be learning about the magnificent discoveries of today for a long time to come!

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My Review of Princeton’s Algorithms

Written on May 24, 2020

Yesterday, I finished Princeton’s course on Algorithms. The course can be found on Coursera, and it is an online version of the university’s on-campus introduction to algorithms and data structures. It is actually split in 2 parts on Coursera (Algorithms, Part I and Algorithms, Part II) that together form the equivalent of the on-campus course.

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Java-like Object.equals() behavior in ABAP

Written on May 15, 2020

Java’s equals() can be very useful - using it allows us to compare objects by their attributes. This is opposed to the traditional comparison with ‘==’ that compares whether two object references point to the same memory address.

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